Volunteers enhance the lives of the entire Lafayette community

Your time and talents are so valuable. Learn more about the many ways Lafayette volunteers share expertise with current students and a network of Lafayette alumni that is now more than 30,000 strong! There are many opportunities to give back and there is no better time to start than right now!

Thank you to the thousands of alumni, parents, staff, and friends who devote their time and resources to help the College. View the list of volunteers from Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023).

Volunteer Opportunities


What better way to show your passion for Lafayette than to help recruit future leopards? Alumni Admissions Representatives are volunteers who assist the Enrollment Division with interviews, college fairs, admitted student days, and more. Please complete the form below to let us know how you would like to be involved.


Alumni in the Classroom / Speakers Bureau

Interested in bringing your expertise to our current students and your fellow alumni!

Please reach out to us at justesok@lafayette.edu and we can discuss how and where in our programming your input might be most beneficial.

Bring the Roar

Bring the Roar, Lafayette’s week-long giving challenge that occurs prior to the annual Rivalry football game in November, allows the entire community to proudly support the area(s) they are most passionate about. Donors can support the Lafayette College Fund, financial aid, and more. Volunteers help spread the news about the #BringTheRoar Challenge on social media.

Learn how to share your support on social media.

Dyer Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Dyer Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship serves as an integrated hub for co-curricular and experiential learning opportunities, design thinking, financial understanding of venture capital and startup business, prototype development, startup and grassroots marketing. There are many ways to become involved, including as a guest speaker, a judge for competitions, offering internship and shadowing opportunities, and providing mentorship to students and their ventures.

To learn more about funding and volunteer opportunities at the Center, please contact:

rita chesterton
bradbury dyer iii ’64 director for innovation and entrepreneurship
330 Rockwell Integrated Sciences Center

Gateway Career Center

Your time and talents are valuable tools that help give our students a competitive advantage. By volunteering with Gateway Career Center, you can offer insight, guidance, and expertise as you share your experiences with current students. These professional experiences give students the opportunity to learn from your perspective, explore career paths, and gain valuable industry knowledge.

The Gateway Career Center is also happy to discuss additional ideas. Contact us at careers@lafayette.edu or (610) 330-5115.

volunteer with Gateway

Hosting a Lafayette vs. Lehigh Telecast Party

Hosting a Rivalry telecast party is a fun way to get to know and reconnect with fellow alumni. The Office of Alumni Engagement is here to help you every step of the way!



Landis Center for Community Engagement

Your leadership and community engagement experiences can help inspire and guide our students at the Landis Center for Community Engagement. By speaking on alumni panels or during education sessions, you can share how you have turned your leadership and community-focused experiences into impactful careers. Whether you are in advocacy, research, the nonprofit sector, or have applied your degree to nontraditional fields, your insights can help students explore diverse career paths and understand the real-world applications of their education, volunteer work, and civic leadership.

Join us in preparing the next generation of leaders dedicated to community and social impact. For more information, to join our alumni mailing list, or to discuss additional engagement opportunities, please contact the Landis Center at engage@lafayette.edu or 610-330-3067.


Leadership Volunteer Roles

Interested in serving in a leadership capacity? We are always looking for committed alumni, parents, and friends whose experiences and expertise can be of critical value to the College in achieving its goals and objectives. You can play a vital role in supporting the strategic initiatives of the College and help strengthen Lafayette’s standing as a top liberal arts and engineering institution across the country and world.


Regional Chapters and Alumni Events

No matter where you live, there’s always an opportunity to engage with fellow alumni and deepen your connection with Lafayette College. By getting involved as a regional volunteer and/or joining a regional chapter, you will be able to bring a meaningful Lafayette alumni experience to your area. There are many opportunities to volunteer, plan events, and help extend your alumni network. If you are interested in learning about the opportunities to volunteer or join a regional chapter in your area, please fill out our regional chapter interest form.

regional chapters

Reunion Committee

Each class is represented by a class leadership team, which includes but is not limited to a fund manager. Responsibilities of class committee members include promoting Lafayette and supporting the initiatives of the College and Alumni Council in a variety of ways: reaching out to classmates and fellow alums to increase overall engagement with Lafayette, attending events on campus (especially Reunion) and in their communities, helping to recruit volunteers for Admissions and Gateway Career Center initiatives, and furthering supporting a culture of philanthropy among alumni.

If you’re interested in learning more about—or joining—your class committee, contact Annie
McGuinness, associate director of Alumni Engagement at mcguinna@lafayette.edu or 610-330-3158.


classes and class leadership committees

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve submitted my volunteer interest form. When should I expect to hear from you?

Depending on your preferred volunteer program or opportunity, you should expect to hear back from a member of our team within 24–48 hours. In the meantime, feel free to contact alumni@lafayette.edu with any questions, or if you are in need of additional information.

How much time will I have to commit?

That depends! Many of our opportunities differ in required hours and length of service.

I’m not sure how I want to get involved; who can I contact in order to learn more about the available opportunities?

If you are interested in scheduling a phone call or in-person meeting with a member of our team, please email alumni@lafayette.edu

Can I still volunteer if I don’t live in or near Easton?

While some of our opportunities are only available to those who live in close proximity to Lafayette campus, we encourage alumni around the world to get involved! The following volunteer opportunities are available to all alumni regardless of geographic location:

Hear it from the Volunteer's Perspective