The majority of respondents have a positive opinion of Lafayette College. In fact, 93% of respondents rate their decision to attend Lafayette College as a good to great decision.
79% of respondents describe their experience as an alumnus/a as good to excellent.
92% of respondents regard their overall current opinion of Lafayette as good to excellent, with a 20% increase in those answering excellent from the 2013 AAS.
Respondents indicated the greatest loyalty to “my Lafayette friends” and “the College in general.”
There is a significant increase in loyalty by the most recent era (graduated 2015-2018) for “A Lafayette faculty or staff member,” “A student organization or activity with which I was associated” and “My major or academic department.”
Current donor participants were asked, What impact does each of the following have in motivating you to continue giving to Lafayette College? The items with the highest impact were “Knowing how gifts are used,” “Knowing that Lafayette College provides financial support to students” and “Knowing that giving to Lafayette College is the right thing to do.”