Dear fellow alumni,

Football and sweater weather is my favorite time of year to be back on campus. The crispness of the air and a cozy cardigan remind me of being a student, walking across the Quad and hustling to an econ class. 

Fran Della Badia is standing in front of Easton Hall. She is wearing a black suit.

Fran Della Badia ’91

After spending time with some of our students earlier this month, I found it obvious that Lafayette continues to foster a culture of critical thinking. Our outstanding faculty are dedicated to encouraging students to stretch themselves in an academically rigorous environment to produce high-quality work. As alumni who benefited from this intellectually challenging education, we can rest assured that the culture of liberal arts and engineering excellence is alive and thriving!

Given that we are in the middle of a dynamic election, are you curious about the answers to any of these questions?

  • How is AI going to sway voter views for this election cycle, and how significantly will AI affect election outcomes? 
  • What are the most significant demographic shifts across the country, and how could these shifts meaningfully change election outcomes?
  • What are the implications of the election results on other countries? 
  • Are celebrities powerful enough to influence voters? 

Recently, I was fortunate to be among approximately 60 alumni who heard, firsthand, what our students think about these important topics. At our annual Alumni Association Board meeting, partnering with Prof. Mark Crain, chair of policy studies, approximately 20 students shared a very compelling presentation about their views on  the upcoming election. Republicans and Democrats were well represented as students discussed the swing states, including their predictions about Pennsylvania and the tightest races throughout the country. 

Our students were models of civil discourse. They will be organizing a PBS broadcast special as they have in past years, so please be on the lookout for it. It is moments like this that remind me of how proud I am to be a Lafayette alumna.

The theme of our board meeting was volunteerism. Volunteerism is a powerful act. Through our work together as an alumni community, we are creating social connections and bringing attention to important issues that will help us foster more meaningful engagement and support for the College. Thank you to our alumni who dedicated their time and contributions to participate in an incredibly productive and engaging afternoon. 

Our students are an amazing source of inspiration for this work. When you see them in action, their knowledge, curiosity, and passion are contagious. They are great reminders of where we all started. I am equally inspired by our exceptional alumni community. I look forward to seeing how positively we can impact our alma mater through our knowledge, curiosity, and passion.

Warm regards, 

Fran Della Badia signature

President, Alumni Association Board 

P.S. Here are some ways to stay connected: