Our connection to Lafayette never ends. While all of us will be forever linked to the College, some are inspired to find ways to contribute their time and talent to enhance the community.
Our formal connection is through the Alumni Association, which includes all graduates of the College. Currently, more than 30,000 members live in all 50 states and 87 foreign countries. As president and president-elect, we invite you to read more about the association and explore the opportunities to connect and engage.
The Alumni Association promotes the welfare of Lafayette College by:
The officers are the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. The first two are elected by the association at its annual meeting. The executive director of Alumni Relations serves as secretary, and the treasurer of the College or designated person serves as treasurer.
The Alumni Association Board is comprised of the officers and the members-at-large who usually serve as chairs of the Association committees. The current committees are Admissions, Affinity Groups, Gateway Career Center, Chapters, Communications & Outreach, Participation, and Young Alumni.