Special interest Alumni groups

Maroon Club
The Lafayette College Maroon Club is led by its Executive Committee, which consists of alumni, parents, coaches, faculty, and administrators of the College. The Maroon Club also oversees a growing number of "Friends of" groups. The Maroon Club's mission is to enhance the student-athlete experience for all of Lafayette's 23 Division I athletic progr
Visit the Maroon Club website
McDonogh Network
McDonogh Network, which includes multiple generations of black alumni, enriches and informs its members through communications, events, and activities. It supports and mentors black students and promotes diversity. McDonogh Voice is the network's annual magazine that celebrates the contributions of blacks and African Americans to their professions.
Visit the McDonogh Voice website
Lafayette Pride Network
The Lafayette Pride Network is an organization for LGBTIA+ alumni and allies. The group organizes virtual, and in person programs — on and off campus throughout the year with the goal of offering opportunities for alumni to connect with each other, the college, and current queer students.
Join the Lafayette Pride Network Facebook group
Council of Lafayette Women
CLW works to strengthen the connection between alumnae and the College, and with each other. All are welcome—alumnae, students, faculty, friends, parents, and staff. Join the LinkedIn group and engage in discussions relevant to women of all ages.
Visit the Council of Lafayette Women website
Alumni Interfraternity and Sorority Board
A group of alumni and alumnae who were members of a currently-recognized fraternity or sorority during their undergraduate years who partner with College administrators to support current Greek life on campus.
Visit the Fraternity and Sorority Life page
Lafayette Sustainability Alumni Affinity Group
This inaugural group was formed to connect Lafayette alumni who are interested in networking with each other about sustainability careers and topics. The affinity group is also a great way to learn more about the sustainability activities on campus and provide opportunities to mentor current students who are interested in sustainability.
Learn more